Recognized for improving the quality of life for seniors - Age-Friendly Recognition Awards
Many had the privilege to walk the Labyrinth with Spiritual Director, Jan Evans, on a beautiful spring morning.
A few hours of clean-up followed by lunch by the dock! Trinity annually does a spring sprucing up of 'our' cabin at Camp Simpresca. Dedicated group of volunteers!!
In support of campers and camps:
Camp Menesetung
Camp Bimini
Several categories for the Christmas sweater 'competition'!
The focus text for this session with needle felt: Luke 15 1-7, needle felt of the "lost sheep"
February 13 2023
Rev. Thérèse Samuels, representative from Western Ontario Waterways Region, attended our Sunday service to officiate over the Covenanting Service with Rev. Lesley.
On Sunday, December 18, the choir, reinforced with singers from the community, presented the Cantata, “Silent was the Night”. Besides enjoying the Cantata, the congregation joined in on well-loved Christmas Carols, accompanied by a brass ensemble. This has become a Trinity tradition, when we celebrate the wonder of the season with the timeless Christmas Story told in music and verse.
Great fun had by all!
Christine Brown is pictured delivering a beautiful bouquet to Rose Hughes.
Thanks to George Czerny for sending these screen shots of the first in-person service, held September 12 2021. Many are happy to be back in the pews!